<% Dim landing_page, host_url Dim fso, outfile, filename, dirname, myFolder Dim req_method, key, value Dim bErr, errStr, bEmpty On Error resume next bErr = false bEmpty = true errStr = "" Set fso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") host_url = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_HOST") req_method = Request.ServerVariables("REQUEST_METHOD") dtNow = Now() filename = Server.MapPath("\ssfm") dirname = filename filename = filename & "\gdform_" & DatePart("M", dtNow) & DatePart("D", dtNow) & DatePart("YYYY", dtNow) & DatePart("N", dtNow) & DatePart("S", dtNow) Function FormatVariableLine(byval var_name, byVal var_value) Dim tmpStr tmpStr = tmpStr & "" & vbCRLF tmpStr = tmpStr & var_value & vbCRLF tmpStr = tmpStr & "" FormatVariableLine = tmpStr end function Sub OutputLine(byVal line) outfile.WriteLine(line) end sub if err.number = 0 then Set outfile = fso.CreateTextFile(filename, true, false) if err.number <> 0 then bErr = true errStr = "Error creating file! Directory may not be writable or may not exist.
Unable to process request." else if(req_method = "GET") then for each Item in request.QueryString if item <> "" then bEmpty = false key = item value = Request.QueryString(item) if(lcase(key) = "redirect") then landing_page = value else line = FormatVariableLine(key, value) Call OutputLine(line) end if end if next elseif (req_method = "POST") then for each Item in request.form if item <> "" then bEmpty = false key = item value = Request.form(item) if(lcase(key) = "redirect") then landing_page = value else line = FormatVariableLine(key, value) Call OutputLine(line) end if end if next end if outfile.close end if if(bEmpty = true) AND errStr = "" then bErr = true errStr = errStr & "
No variables sent to form! Unable to process request." end if if(bErr = false) then if (landing_page <> "") then response.Redirect "http://" & host_url & "/" & landing_page else response.Redirect "http://" & host_url end if else Response.Write errStr end if set fso = nothing else Response.Write " An Error Occurred creating mail message. Unable to process form request at this time." end if %>

NMAEN  New Mexico Addiction Education Network
Nomination for New Mexico Addiction Educator of the Year

Contact Information for person making nomination:

Name:     __________________________________
Address: __________________________________
Address: __________________________________
City:         __________________________________
Zip:          __________________________________
Phone(s):  _________________________________
email:      __________________________________

Contact Information for person being nominated:

Name:     __________________________________
Address: __________________________________
Address: __________________________________
City:         __________________________________
Zip:          __________________________________
Phone(s):  _________________________________
email:      __________________________________

Where is the location of this individual's contribution to Addiction Education in New Mexico?________________________________________________________

Explain how this individual has
made an outstanding contribution to addiction education. You may attach a separate paper if you prefer.


Please include three letters of recommendation that confirm your observations.  List the names of the persons you have solicited here:

To nominate an individual, please send the supporting documentation to:

5412 Granite Ave. N.E.
Albuquerque, N.M. 87110
Attn: Awards Committee Chair
Materials may also be submitted electronically at nmaenorg@gmail.com.  Please put NMAEN nomination in the subject line.